November 15, 2015: That Moment of Happy Connection

Yesterday I was sketching one of my favorite sculptures of the 2015 River City Sculptures on Parade. It’s called “Gossip,” and it was created by Shohini Ghosh, from Highlands Ranch, Colorado. She wrote this about the sculpture: “The inspiration for this piece is the therapeutic benefits felt by women when they get together and discuss life. This depicts ‘that’ moment of happy connection women share.”

While I stood there drawing, two women came up and struck up a conversation. We soon discovered we are all named “Sue,” which made us laugh. We laughed again after one of the ladies told a story on herself about an embarrassing incident from years ago.

When I was finishing this drawing at home, the serendipitous chat with the two other “Sue’s” still echoed warmly in my ears. I thought about the way our circle of three had indeed experienced “‘that’ moment of happy connection.” Life had imitated art. I think the sculptor would be pleased. I certainly was. 

May 5, 2015: Sat Cit Ananda

Sanskrit for "Being, Awareness, Bliss," Sat Cit (pronounced Chit) Ananda can be a powerful daily mantra for meditation practice. Here's what Thomas Moore has to say about this phrase in A Religion of One's Own: A Guide to Creating a Personal Spirituality in a Secular World: "Being is accepting your situation as it is and sensing your individuality....Awareness is 'being conscious'....Bliss is the special pleasure you find when you live from the center of your life, when you are in tune with your fate, and when you have an opening in your mind and heart to the source of life, acting in accord with the deep laws of your nature. This is ananda -- joy, bliss, or deep pleasure" (pp. 267-268).

Which must be the same well from which Walt Whitman wrote those lines from "Song of the Open Road": "Henceforth I ask not good fortune, I myself am good fortune." 

Our fortune -- our bliss -- is within. Sat Cit Ananda.